Your Purchase Matters

Yes, you can make a difference starting now ;)


" With every purchase you make, Moohoo will plant a tree in our Moohoo forest at no additional cost to you. You will then receive an email from our NGO partner Tree-Nation confirming this, including the planting certificate and more information about the reforestation projects that Moohoo supports."

Together we can make a difference in fighting climate change!

" Moohoo was founded on 3 very important core values! "

  1. The awareness of your personal wellbeing

  2. The awareness of the wellbeing of all creatures great and small 

  3. The awareness of the wellbeing and sustainability of our beautiful planet

Today we find ourselves at a tipping point with the possible disastrous consequences of global warming!  There is an urgent need for us all to face reality and so we must be committed to act together to reverse this potential disaster and by promoting and encouraging the use of naturally made cosmetics, we can turn things around for the sake of our planet, the flora and fauna and even more importantly for our younger generations and invest in a more secure their future for all, starting right now!

To make this happen our strategy is simple and that is to just keep continually planting more trees on the planet. 

The Moohoo community together with Tree-Nation will help reforest the world and be part of something truly amazing !


You may say you can't do anything about it - but you can!

Do something good for you! And good for the planet;) 
Become a Moohoo community member right now!